Access Keys:

Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is responsible for the strategic direction and development of the school.  There are many parent representatives on the Board of Governors, and this common characteristic across all Grant Maintained Integrated Schools ensures that the needs of our pupils are at all times at the centre of our business.  There are several sub-committees who have particular expertise and skills and they report to the full Board of Governors.  The sub committees are -

  • Open Enrolment and Welfare
  • Curriculum & Policy
  • Finance
  • Staffing/Recruitment
  • Health & Safety


2023/24 Representatives on the Board of Governors are:

Martin McQuaid (Chair of Governors)

Cathy Hawkes (Vice Chair)

Margaret Geelan

Mary O'Reilly

Kathleen Hinds

Helen McLaughlin

Gavin Gallagher (Secretary)

Andrew McIntyre

Vincent Brogan

Jessica Waring

Siobhan Taggart

Patrick McCanney

Stephen Donnelly