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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Pre-School Places 2024/25 🌟🌟🌟FINAL PRE-SCHOOL PLACES NOW AVAILABLE FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS @ OIPS🌟🌟🌟We have a limited number of FREE places available in our Pre-School Setting for an immediate start. Places suitable for children born between 2nd July 2020 and 1st July 2021. [Open Image]
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Pastoral Care


In our school every day there are over four hundred young people and approximately thirty adults, all of whom bring their various experiences, expectations and needs. Each member of our school community shares a responsibility for the care and well-being of everyone here. Members of staff have a responsibility to our children and to each other. Each child has a responsibility to their peers and adults to behave in a way which is supportive and positive. Each child can expect a secure, structured and happy learning environment to be maintained so that they might flourish.

Looking after the well-being and safety of our pupils is a prime responsibility; the procedures for dealing with the supervision of children and with children who are ill or injured are outlined in our Health and Safety Policy.

At all times we strive to help our children develop a strong sense of self-worth, a positive self-image and high self-esteem. If children develop in these ways we hope that they will become happy and fulfilled now and later as adults. We will try to ensure that all our children:

  • see themselves as valued members of our school community, possessing unique talents and qualities,
  • feel comfortable and confident in expressing themselves with others, and
  • learn the skills which will enable them to maintain a sense of control over their lives.

The Safeguarding Team at Omagh Integrated Primary School & Nursery:

Principal: Mr Gavin Gallagher

Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Daphne McKernan

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Siobhan Taggart

ICT Co-ordinator: Mrs Jessica Waring

Chair of Governors: Mr Martin McQuaid

Member of BOG with Delegated Responsibility: Mrs Helen McLaughlin


Paths Pals


In November 2016 Lynsey, our PATHS trainer, worked with pupils from Year 6 and Year 7 to train them on how to become good PATHS Pals. PATHS Pals are pupils who have chosen to help others in the playground. They organise games to ensure that everyone is included and so that no one feels lonely or left out.

PATHS Pals are also being trained in conflict resolution so that they can begin to de-escalate some minor disagreements and suggest resolutions. The PATHS rules and thinking strategies are used in the playground as well as in the classroom. 

Gail will be back again to do further training but until then we will continue to look at how we can improve how PATHS Pals works in our school. The pupils have been very enthusiatic and they serve as excellent role models for all pupils. Look out for the yellow bibs in the playground!

If you are in Year 6 or Year 7 and you think you would like to become part of the PATHS Pals team, why not speak to Mrs. Taggart or let your own teacher know! We'd love to have you.


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8th Sep 2022
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8th Sep 2022
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9th Nov 2015
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