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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions 2025 Pre School and Primary Admissions: Applications can be made via the Education Authority website up until 12.00 Friday 24th January. Please contact the school office if you wish to view our school or for any advice on applications and places.
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After School


OIPS FRIENDS AFTERSCHOOL CLUB is a Registered Childcare Provider

As a sessional childcare provider, we are registered with our local Social Services Trust Early Years Team.

OIPS Friends Statement of Purpose

Purpose 1: To advance education.

Purpose 2: Preserve and protect health.

Purpose 3: Provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and other leisure time occupations.

Aims and Objectives

OIPS Friends Club will aim to:

1) Provide a safe, clean, well-organised environment which gives children the opportunity to learn and become independent within a well-structured group.

2) Enable parents/guardians to continue with their studies or find and retain employment, confident in the knowledge that their children are being cared for in the way that they would wish.

3) Maintain good quality care providing a wide and varied range of activities.

4) ensure that our equal opportunities policy is put into practice at all times.

As adults we need to present a good role model for the children in our care as children can learn through imitating adult behaviour. Children can benefit from positive adult interaction and attention. They also benefit from stimulation, and age and stage appropriate activities which help prevent boredom. We believe this approach encourages positive child development and promotes positive behaviour.

General Information at-a-glance:

Opening times – The after school is open from 1:45-2:45pm and 2:45-5:15pm each weekday. At present OIPS Friends Club takes the same holidays as Omagh Integrated Primary School. On OIPS school half days at the end of term we will be offering an after-school facility from 11.30-2:30pm.

Staff – The staff child ratio is 1:10. All staff have relevant training and/or experience in childcare/first aid/food hygiene etc.

Fees – Hourly rate £3.50 per child. 4:45 – 5:15pm is an additional £2.00.

Payment – Payments are received online via bank transfer or childcare vouchers made payable to OIPS Friends Club. Invoices are sent out to parents at the end of each month.

We follow a 2-month payment policy. If an invoice has not been paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice, your child's place may be frozen for one week. This will mean the child cannot attend until payment is received. Failure to pay within this week can result in your child’s place being permanently removed and allocated to another child.

At least one weeks noticed must be given to the Leader in Charge of OIPS Friends Club if there are any dates that your child will not be attending OIPS Friends Club.  If this notice is given you won't be charged for these dates.

If your child is sick or unable to attend at short notice, we ask that you phone OIPS Friends or send an email to notify us, however fees are still payable when children are absent due to illness.  If this illness is longer than 2 days and you have made contact on day one of the illness, then fees will not be applicable from day three.

Cancellations – If you want to withdraw your child from the club, a weeks’ notice is required in writing. To book a child off from After school club then a weeks’ notice must also be given to a member of staff so that you are not charged for their space.

Snack time – Children are offered two snacks. At 1:45 – 2:45pm a light snack will be provided for the children such as, crackers, breadsticks, pancakes, toast, fruit, and water/milk. At 2:45-4:45pm children are provided with a second snack that follows guidelines in the Nutrition Matters for the Early Years’ document such as, waffles & beans, pizza, muffins, fish fingers, fruit, and water/milk.

After School Club Staff

Lily Carolan - Leader-in-charge on maternity leave

Elaine Smyth - Leader-in-charge (covering maternity leave)/Deputy Leader-in-charge

Amy Loughlin - Deputy Leader-in-charge(covering maternity leave) & Room Leader

Cailin Haughey - Childcare Assistant

Glenn McBride - Childcare Assistant

Emma Convey - Childcare Assistant


Melissa Quinn - Bank Staff Childcare Assistant

Anna-Rose McKenna - Bank Staff Childcare Assistant

Kerrie Donnell - Bank Staff Childcare Assistant


Contact details

Phone: 028 8224 4915
