Pre School

Omagh Integrated Pre-School will work in partnership with parents to offer stimulating, challenging and positive play experiences through which children can grow, become independent and develop to their full potential. We offer a secure and nurturing environment for children to build the bridge between home, pre-school and beyond.
We work closely with Omagh Integrated Primary School, and in particular we work together with the Nursery Unit to plan and deliver a high-quality standard of pre-school education for children aged 3-4 years, following CCEA Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education. We are funded by the Integrated Education Fund, and we are fully registered and inspected on an annual basis by the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
1.To provide a safe, caring and stimulating child-centred education where the individual needs of every child are catered for and where creativity and independence are encouraged.
2. To support the personal, social, emotional, physical, creative and intellectual development of all children.
3. To provide learning experiences for all children which promote similarities and differences of culture, religion, gender and physical ability and in an atmosphere where they are all equally respected and valued.
4. To work in partnership with parents, valuing and respecting that they are the main educators of their children.
5. To provide our children with experienced adults working together in a united team, where everyone’s opinions, beliefs and talents are respected and valued and where contributions are encouraged.
6. To provide learning experiences for children which help them to explore the world, the immediate community, and the child’s own understanding of their place within it.
7. To encourage positive attitudes to self and others and develop confidence and self-esteem.
Mrs Law, the Pre-School Teacher and Mrs Connolly and Miss Haughey the Pre-School Assistants strive to make the pre-school environment a warm and welcoming place to be. The pre-school provides a secure and stimulating environment, with a positive ethos, in which every child is respected as an individual. We endeavour to make each day interesting and thought-provoking, so that your child meets new challenges and will learn and develop throughout their year with us.
We realise that children must feel totally secure before any meaningful learning can take place, so we aim to work closely together with parents, to ensure that this secure feeling is achieved as early as possible in their pre-school year.
The staff have many years of experience with pre-school aged children and wish to allay any fears or anxieties that either parents or children may have and emphasise the fact that those early years can be some of the happiest and most memorable experiences in a child's development.
Our children are provided with opportunities to explore both indoors and outdoors on a daily basis in a wonderful purpose-built facility. Whilst the learning taking place indoors is varied and exciting, we place just as much emphasis on our outdoor environment, where learning can take place on an even bigger (and sometimes messier!) scale.
As our Pre-School provides the bridge between home and formal education for your child, we will ensure that their experiences provide a learning curve to develop the essential skills and ultimately to provide the foundations upon which your child will learn.
In line with the Primary School, the Pre-School also adhere to Healthy Eating and Nut Free Policies.
Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, 72 Crevenagh Road, Omagh BT79 OEW | Phone: 028 8224 2008