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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh

Parents' Council

An active Parents' Council exists within the school, which promotes various educational, social and funding events throughout the year.  They play an important role in encouraging parents to become actively involved in their child's education.  Parents' Council is open to all parents and we encourage all new parents to use this as a way of being involved within the life of the school as well as forming friendships with others.

We would encourage anyone who is interested to attend any of our meetings which are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month in the school staffroom at 7.00pm.

We do not ask anyone to give us any more time or commitment than that which fits comfortably into their own life.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact any of the members.




What is Parents Council?

  • We are a group of parents who all have children in OIPS.
  • We hold various social and fund raising events throughout the school year and discuss with the principal and staff how to spend the funds we raise.      
  • We meet once a month in the staff room and the meetings are normally no longer than 2 hours.
  • All funds raised by the Parents’ Council are used during the school year to provide treats and little extras for the pupils.


    Who can join the Parents Council?


  • Any parent/carer of an OIPS pupil can join Parents Council.
  • The more parents that join, the bigger the variety of events that could be organised which would lead to increased fundraising!
  • Parents’ Council seek representatives from each year group in the school to join the committee.


       Activities Parents Council organised in the 2014/15 school year.


  • 5 week draw which raised £3000. The proceeds were used to purchase iPads for the classrooms.
  • Hallowe’en party for each key stage group. The parties were held during the school day. They were a great success for parents/pupils/teachers. This costs £200 on average.
  • Tea Party for the Y4 children after 1st Holy Communion. We turn the hall into a lovely tea room and this year we made lovely party bags for the children which included a ‘No Homework’ voucher!
  • Refreshments served for Open Day, Nativity plays, Sports days, Fitness for Fun, school functions etc. We always need more volunteers to spread the catering load!
  • Quiz Night which is always a great social evening for parents/carers, staff and the children.
  • With the hard work and dedication from teachers and parents the Summer Fete at the end of the school year was a huge success. We raised £2000 which we have donated towards new playground equipment
  • Y7 Leavers night is another fantastic night for the parents and pupils of Y7. We transformed the hall and served a wonderful meal to parents/staff/children. This costs an average of £800


Thank you to everyone for their continued support



OIPS Parents' Council 2016-17



15th Jun 2024
Our OIPS community came together for our annual summer fete, and it was a blast!...
14th Apr 2022
A little snapshot of our wonderful Easter in the Courtyard event which took place...
10th Apr 2022
⭐️ As part of the 40th anniversary of integrated education, we took part in...